Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happy News!

Our waiting is over. We heard from Clydene this morning and found out that our new donors have accepted us!

We were told on Monday that they were still praying about the decision. That actually made us feel even better about this family. It was good to know that they were taking time to hear from the Lord. We had been praying for them, that if we were the ones for them that they would have complete peace. We really liked their profile, but after all we'd been through we were feeling a bit 'gun shy' about knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that they would be "the ones." One thing we did know, we didn't want to be outside of God's plan in all of this. We are so very relieved to know that we will be in the September cycle, and that after eight months, 4 different donor families, and 20 embryos we now have our match! Whew!!!! Such happy news!

This week, as we've been waiting, I kept thinking about the song in the video below. When I first heard it, several months ago. I remember crying out to God saying, "Lord Jesus- You are the joy that is set before me. Byron isn't the source of my joy. Gracie isn't the reason I get up every morning. It isn't our next baby that will fulfill the cry of my heart. It is You! It is You! You are my hope. You are my future. You are the joy, the end goal that is set before me!" I needed to listen to this song again, and keep this perspective. It was my way of surrendering to Him. Please don't get me wrong. I am not untouched by stress and worry. I checked my email more times than I care to admit, and had my cell phone attached to my body at all times during the wait. I guess what I want to say here is that keeping my eyes on Jesus carried me through these past 8 days. Praying, reading the Word, talking with others of like faith, listening to worship music helped me to keep that perspective when I wanted to give up, stress out, or just analyze the situation to death! We are thrilled with today's news. But I know, had the news been different, I could still trust Him and you can too. Love~ Krisa